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The waxing moon.

At 15:12:29 UT Thursday 12 September 2024
the moon’s phase is

WAXING GIBBOUS (64.28% full)

Some factors that go into this equation:

Universal Time is 15.2247222222222 in decimal hours.
The Julian date is 2460566.1427661.
The sun’s ecliptic longitude is 170.330977423815 degrees.
Its mean anomaly is 249.3547344775 degrees.
The moon’s mean longitude on 00 January 1990 was 318.351648 degrees.

These calculations incorporate the switch to the English New Style (N.S.)—i.e., Gregorian— calendar after Wednesday, 02 September 1752; the next day became Thursday, 14 September, skipping eleven days. (Please also note that, while fairly accurate, these calculations remain a bit buggy.)

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